722403 - Tool sharpener
With electric grinding machine disks, sharpens cutting tools. Turns on the grinding disk and monitors whether the process is proceeding correctly. Changes the grinding disk. May finish the sharpening of the cutting tool manually. Uses precise measuring devices.
Main activities
* sharpen, hone, or level the metal surface of tools using appropriate tools and devices, uses grinding machines, prepare for work; adjust, select the speed of rotation;
* monitor, repair, prepare for work: attache the tool to the holder, select the speed of rotation, turn on the machines;
* sharpen tools with various grinding machines;
* follow usage instructions and ensures that the workpiece meets necessary specifications;
* sharpen gatters, tools with various grinding machines.
Characteristic competences
* sharpen, hone, or level the metal surface;
* work with various sharpening tools and machines;
* adjust, supervise the machines;
* ensure that the workpiece meets necessary specifications;
* adhere to work safety rules.