722401 - Metal grinder
Manually or by machine, grinds the metal surface. Examines the drawings and technical conditions of the part to be ground. Marks model lines and points on the part's surface before grinding.
Main activities
* grind the metal surface manually or by machine, or with a pneumatic hammer removes unnecessary protrusions;
* level uneven edges with metal grinding machines;
* examine the drawings and technical conditions of the part to be ground;
* adjust manual devices or automatic levers, direct tools across metal, check grinding quality with measuring devices;
* comply with work safety and hygiene rules.
Characteristic competences
* grind the metal surface manually or by machine;
* adjust manual devices or automatic levers, check grinding quality with measuring devices;
* examine work drawings, mark model lines and points on the surface of the part;
* select the method of work and the sequence of operations;
* adhere to work safety rules.