722318 - Automated machine line tuner-operator
Operates various types of electric precision metalworking lathes: adjusts them, enters programs for simple parts processing; examines drawings, anticipates work method and sequence of operations. The lathes must be adjusted, as their power, high speed, high temperature can pose a danger if safety rules are not strictly adhered to.
Main activities
* work with various types of power-driven precision metalworking machines, such as automatic metal cutting, drilling, grinding machines, and precise metalworking machines, adjusting them;
* prepare a line of automatic machines performing metal finishing and producing metal products or their parts;
* adjust automatic machines to ensure they do not pose a danger to workers operating them;
* examine work drawings and technical condition descriptions;
* select the speed of rotational or other motion.
Characteristic competences
* adjust automatic metalworking machines;
* ensure that the machines are prepared for work and input programs;
* examine work drawings, mark model lines and points on the surface of the part;
* select the method of work and the sequence of operations;
* adhere to work safety rules.