721405 - Metallography laboratory technician
Studies the formation and change of the structure of metals and their alloys during thermal, thermochemical processing, and plastic deformation. Takes a flat sample of the product and examines it with a microscope.
Main activities
* study the formation of the structure of metals and their alloys during various treatments;
* cut out a flat sample from the prepared product, prepare it for examination with a microscope;
* determine the structure of metal alloys and blanks, voids, roughness, gas bubbles, delamination, defects, impurities, the shape and distribution of crystallites (grains) in the tested materials, etc.;
* photograph and films the processe of metal structural transformation;
* provide conclusions about the quality of metal, alloy, blank based on the obtained data, the correctness of the technological process execution, presents their recommendations.
Characteristic competences
* investigate the structure of metal and its alloys;
* take a sample for research;
* use several research methods to obtain accurate results;
* present research findings;
* give recommendations.