721401 - Installer of metal structures
In the workshop, they drill, cut, shape steel structures and use them for the construction of buildings, ships and other structures. They examine drawings and technical specifications, cut steel plates, pipes. They use electric shears, flame cutters and other equipment, and drill holes for threads and bolts, bend and shape plates.
Main activities
* manufacture, shape metal structures, prepare them for assembly;
* assemble manufactured structures for buildings, ships, and other structures, assemble their parts;
* each structure is secured in the manner specified in the construction project;
* finish semi-assembled structural assemblies in workshops by inserting bolts, threads, or welding them;
* examine drawings and technical specifications, cut steel plates, pipes.
Characteristic competences
* read drawings, manufacture and assemble metal structures according to them;
* finish assembling metal structures on site;
* use structural steel erection equipment;
* mark, cut, drill metal;
* follow workplace safety rules.