351290 - Other Information and communications technology user support technicians
Here other help information technology and communication system user technicians are classified who are not listed in the 3512 „Information and communications technology user support technicians“ subgroup, provide technical support to users directly or by phone, email or other electronic means, including software, hardware, computer, external equipment, networks, databases and internet faults and problem identification.
Main activities
* implement ICT security policies and procedures in the organization to ensure information and data security;
* check data security and assess risks to identify vulnerable systems and apply appropriate protection mechanisms;
* ensure compliance with data management rules to prevent data loss, damage or forgery;
* conduct IT security incident investigations and prepare reports to identify and terminate potential security breaches;
* constantly monitor and manage ICT infrastructure to ensure that the organization's IT system protection is constantly updated and improved;
* prepare and organize ICT security training for employees to ensure awareness of information security and promotion of security culture in the organization.
Characteristic competences
* implement various IT systems and equipment;
* effectively use ICT infrastructure;
* conduct penetration tests and evaluate vulnerabilities;
* recognize and solve ICT disruption problems;
* communicate and cooperate with clients;
* knowledge of security problem solving and prevention.