343290 - Other Interior designers and decorators
Here are classified other interior designers and decorators who are not listed in the 3432 subgroup „Interior designers and decorators“ and who create the interior of commercial, industrial, public, retail and residential buildings, create an environment adapted to the building's purpose.
Main activities
* set goals, consult with clients and interested parties;
* study and analyze spaces, functional, safety and aesthetic requirements, creates building interior design concepts;
* prepare sketches, illustrations and plans, convey design concepts, negotiate design solutions with clients, suppliers and construction workers;
* indicate and suggests functional and aesthetic materials, furniture;
* provide thorough information about the chosen design and formalize it to start construction.
Characteristic competences
* coordinate construction and interior decoration;
* create and produce the design of theater performances decorations;
* create and decorate shop windows;
* choose interior details;
* promote the sale of products and goods.