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325301 - Public health strengthening specialist

Designs, implements and evaluates programs and actions aimed at improving public health and prevention. collaborates with other health care professionals, social workers and public health institutions.

Main activities

* plan, organize and coordinate activities aimed at strengthening public health;
* identify and assesses health risk, prevent and reduce the occurrence of health disorders;
* design and implement information campaigns about healthy lifestyle, prevention and treatment;
* evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of health policies and programs;
* collaborate with other health care professionals, social workers and public health institutions, ensure the improvement of public health.

Characteristic competences

* design, implement and evaluate public health programs;
* identify and assess health risk;
* know health policy and its formation;
* collaborate with other specialists and institutions;
* analyze the effectiveness of health policies and programs.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 3
Sub-major groups code: 32
Minor group code: 325
Unit group code: 3253