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315290 - Other ship pilots and captains

This classification includes other ship pilots and captains who are not listed in the 3152 sub-group 'Ship Pilots and Captains' and who operate ships and lead the ship crew, perform similar functions on shore. Monitors the work performed by the naval personnel and is responsible for the operations carried out by the naval service.

Main activities

* lead the ship crew or its guidance in seas or inland waters, stand on the ship's deck or controls;
* dock ships in and out of ports, canals, narrows and other waters;
* ensure the safety of cargo loading and unloading, compliance with crew and passenger safety rules and procedures;
* monitor the technical control of ships and repairs, comply with technical conditions and regulated documents;
* operate ships and follow navigation principles and practical knowledge, identify and solve problems arising at work, order ship supplies and hire a crew.

Characteristic competences

* lead the ship crew;
* dock ships in and out of ports;
* ensure the safety of cargo loading and unloading;
* solve problems arising at work;
* operate ships.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 3
Sub-major groups code: 31
Minor group code: 315
Unit group code: 3152