314310 - Hunting area supervisor
Manages and supervises areas, animal resources from illegal poaching, knows well animal behavior, their population changes, hunting season requirements, also has necessary technical equipment and weapons.
Main activities
* supervise and manage hunting areas, check hunting territories, determine the size of animal populations, ensure proper care of the hunting territory;
* monitor and regulate animal populations, determine whether they meet requirements, set hunting quotas;
* organize hunting season, set hunting date, time and requirements for hunting quotas;
* organize and carries out hunting, comply with requirements and safety rules, set requirements for the use of weapons and perform necessary checks;
* supervise prohibited territories.
Characteristic competences
* know animal behavior, their diet, diseases and other biological processes;
* know laws and regulations related to hunting;
* perform necessary procedures during hunting;
* have good organizational and communication skills;
* communicate with other hunters and government institutions.