312190 - Other Mining supervisors
Here are other mining supervisors classified, who are not listed in the 3121 subgroup „Mining supervisors“ and who plan, coordinate and organize production activities related to mining, quarry exploitation, oil and gas extraction.
Main activities
* supervise and coordinate the activities of workers involved in the extraction of minerals and other useful resources, working with underground transport vehicles or heavy machinery in open pits or quarries;
* determine work tools that increase productivity according to work schedules, methods and recommends to mining managers;
* work with managerial and technical staff, other departments and contractors, solve work problems and coordinate activities;
* provide reports and other information to mining managers about work in mines and quarries;
* determine the need for mine or quarry workers and materials.
Characteristic competences
* supervise and coordinate workers' activities;
* determine work tools that increase productivity;
* solve work problems;
* provide reports;
* determine the need for mine materials.