311603 - Chemical process technician
Manages devices and systems, processes chemical substances into industrial products or consumer products. Understands the subjects of basic and complex chemical reactions and the chemical technologies used in production, can perform laboratory tests, is able to explain their results.
Main activities
* monitor chemical product manufacturing processes and control, ensure product quality and efficiency level;
* perform maintenance and repair of equipment and mechanisms necessary for the production of chemical products, avoid technical failures and stops production processes;
* analyse and interpret technical and scientific data, improve the production process and product quality, ensure optimal operation of processes;
* comply with safety and environmental protection requirements, avoid dangerous situations and protect nature;
* communicate with other specialists and managers, ensure smooth production process, effective problem solving and quality product result.
Characteristic competences
* control chemical product manufacturing processes;
* maintain equipment and mechanisms;
* analyze technical and scientific data;
* comply with safety and environmental protection requirements;
* communicate with other specialists and managers.