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311602 - Chemical engineering technician

Processes raw materials, creates and tests chemical products, improves the production and processes of chemical materials. Conducts laboratory and technical research, prepares and maintains chemical and engineering systems and processes.

Main activities

* perform laboratory and technical research, understand the properties and interactions of chemical materials, design, create and improve the processes and engineering solutions of systems;
* design, prepare and maintain chemical and engineering systems, ensures their efficiency, safety and operational stability;
* design, install, test and maintain process automation and control systems;
* cooperate with chemists, engineers and other specialists, ensure effective use of chemical materials and resource use, sustainability and legality of operations;
* analyse production processes, improve them, reduce production losses and overall production costs.

Characteristic competences

* analyze chemical and engineering systems;
* perform laboratory and technical research;
* work with various chemicals;
* maintain chemical and engineering systems;
* analyze production processes.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 3
Sub-major groups code: 31
Minor group code: 311
Unit group code: 3116