311601 - Chemical technology evaluator
Performs evaluation of chemical industry processes, products, and technologies, ensures their safety, efficiency, and compliance with requirements. Evaluates the usage of chemical technologies according to created descriptions, improves or creates a new product, provides conclusions.
Main activities
* evaluate and analyze chemical industry processes and technologies, ensure their safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulations;
* analyze and test, evaluate chemical products, determine their quality, safety, and suitability for a certain purpose;
* provide conclusions and recommendations on the improvement of processes, products, and technologies, enhances their efficiency and safety;
* analyze and evaluate the environmental impact, use chemicals and chemical material production processes, ensure efficient and safe usage of chemical processes and products;
* adhere to ethical and legal requirements related to the evaluation of chemical processes and products.
Characteristic competences
* analyze chemical industry processes;
* evaluate chemical products;
* provide conclusions and recommendations;
* evaluate environmental impact;
* adhere to ethical and legal requirements.