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311490 - Other Electronics engineering technicians

Here are classified other electronic engineering technicians not included in the 3114 „Electronics engineering technicians“ subgroup and perform technical tasks related to experimental electronics work and the design, production, assembly, installation, use, maintenance, and repair of electronic equipment.

Main activities

* perform tasks related to the study and improvement of electronic equipment or experimental samples;
* design electronic circuit assembly diagrams and prepare their drawings according to the provided technical conditions description;
* prepare quantities and costs of materials and labor needed to manufacture and install electronic equipment, estimate according to the provided technical conditions description;
* control the technical production, maintenance, and repair of electronic equipment and compliance with the technical conditions description and regulatory documents;
* design, improve, install, manage, and maintain electronic systems.

Characteristic competences

* perform improvement works;
* design electronic circuit assembly diagrams;
* prepare estimates according to the provided technical specification description;
* control the technical production of electronic equipment;
* oversee electronic systems.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 3
Sub-major groups code: 31
Minor group code: 311
Unit group code: 3114