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311402 - Electronic equipment technician

Performs many auxiliary functions, repairs, checks, installs, designs, evaluates, supervises production or experimental complex electronic equipment, prepares devices and apparatus for experiments, conducts research, records meter readings, performs calculations and registers, analyzes, and explains the research results.

Main activities

* prepare material and labor cost estimates for the production and installation of electronic equipment;
* test systems, determine their compliance with technical requirements and safety standards, provide recommendations for compliance with quality standards;
* design, evaluate and repair electronic equipment, check installations, replacements, launches;
* perform tests of engineering systems and structures, prepare technical reports;
* provide assistance to engineers in designing, planning and executing work schedules.

Characteristic competences

* prepare material and labor cost estimates;
* determine compliance with technical requirements;
* check installations;
* perform tests of engineering systems and structures;
* provide assistance to engineers.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 3
Sub-major groups code: 31
Minor group code: 311
Unit group code: 3114