263390 - Other Philosophers, historians, and political scientists
This category includes other specialists not listed in the 2633 subgroup „Philosophers, historians and political scientists“ who investigate the nature of human experience and existence, stages or aspects of human history, as well as political institutions, movements, and behavior. They prepare documents and reports on the results of their research, which are used as a basis for political and individual actions.
Main activities
* develop theories, models, and methods, explain and describe the nature of human experience, historical and political events, behavior;
* publish research results and conclusions to representatives of the state, political parties or other organizations and interested individuals;
* prepare scientific articles and reports;
* investigate the causes of the world in general, human actions, experience and existence, improve philosophical concepts and theories;
* analyze and compare original documents of past events or their copies and archaeological or anthropological finds.
Characteristic competences
* create theories, models and methods;
* publish research results and conclusions;
* prepare scientific articles;
* improve philosophical concepts;
* analyze original documents of past events.