263306 - Ethnic culture specialist
Participates in the formation of the policy for the protection of ethnic culture and intangible cultural heritage and implements it, creating strategies, programs, projects, creating conditions for the development and dissemination of ethnic cultural activities, organizes the identification, collection, recording and research of ethnic cultural values, prepares and provides methodological and organizational support in the field of ethnic culture.
Main activities
• participates in the preparation of strategic solutions for the state patronage and policy of ethnic culture and the protection of intangible cultural heritage;
• implements the continuity of national self-awareness and the living tradition of ethnic culture and the protection of intangible cultural heritage;
• creates conditions for the dissemination and development of ethnic cultural activities and their integration into the general cultural policy, cultural tourism, ethno-cultural education;
• prepares projects related to the revitalization of architecture, landscape, nature conservation, tourism, regional traditions based on ethnic culture;
• participates in the preparation and implementation of measures for the continuity and development of traditional crafts, preservation of the distinctiveness of ethnographic regions;
• participates in the implementation of the cultivation of ethnic culture in foreign Lithuanian communities.
Characteristic competences
• communicate at a professional level in the research and professional field
• analyze legislation
• analyze existing data
• organize information
• plan cultural heritage protection measures
• manage the protection of natural and cultural heritage
• manage knowledge to influence operational strategies