263303 - Philosopher
Analyzes the writings of philosophy scientists, examines and develops the concepts of classical and contemporary philosophy, participates in the country's political and social life. Discusses life values, reality.
Main activities
* provide and receive feedback, react to others, supervise employees and leadership in a professional environment;
* develop relationships, contacts and partnerships, share information with others, supports cooperation, promote their activities and ensure accessibility in the online collaboration environment;
* maximize the two-way movement of technology, knowledge and skills between the research base and industry or the public sector;
* interpret and summarize new and complex information from various sources;
* present arguments during negotiations or discussions, gain approval for the subject presented by the speaker or writer.
Characteristic competences
* communicate at a professional level in the field of scientific research;
* develop a professional network of relationships with researchers and scientists;
* promote knowledge transfer;
* systematize information;
* present arguments.