252902 - Publication layout designer {computer layout}
Computers are used to design books, newspapers, magazines, brochures, and more. Texts are collected, processed with text editors, and arranged with illustrations on a page. Various geometric shapes and drawings are created using computer graphic programs. Scanned images are processed, retouched, and assembled. Various symbols, logos, forms, advertising leaflets, and posters are also created. Design fundamentals, standard proofreading symbols, basic object graphic creation tools, and publishing system tools are well understood.
Main activities
* use manual or digital methods, page layouts to reduce printing process costs and time;
* consider various factors such as printing material format, number of pages, binding method, and fiber direction;
* ensure proper layout of printed text, collect texts digitally, use design programs or specialized text collection programs;
* adjust and format text, process graphic objects, prepare and manage layout using specialized publication layout software;
* communicate with clients, publishers, and authors, clarify illustration needs, prepare layout for printing.
Characteristic competences
* use digital methods;
* consider various factors;
* collect texts digitally;
* format text;
* clarify illustration needs.