252203 - Computer systems administrator
Responsible for the supervision, configuration, and reliable operation of computer and network systems, servers, professional computers, and workstations. Installs or updates computer components and software, automates routine tasks, writes computer programs, troubleshoots, trains, and supervises employees. Ensures optimal system integrity, security, backup, and operation.
Main activities
* manage ICT system components, maintain configuration, manage users, monitor resource usage, create backups, and install hardware or software, adhering to established requirements;
* identify potential component failures, monitor incidents, document and inform about them;
* install and update software, avoid malicious software, detect and eliminate computer viruses;
* evaluate system reliability and performance before component inclusion, during system operation, and maintenance;
* update network security systems, prevent unauthorized access to private networks.
Characteristic competences
* administer information and communication technology systems;
* solve information and communication technology system problems;
* install antivirus software;
* monitor system performance;
* install network firewall.