252201 - Network administrator
Maintains a reliable, secure, and efficient data transmission network, including LAN, WAN, intranet, and the internet. Performs network address assignment, manages and deploys routing protocols, such as ISIS, OSPF, BGP, performs routing table configurations, and implements certain identity verification measures. Performs servers (file servers, VPN network gateways, intrusion detection systems), desktop computers, printers, selectors, switches, barriers, phones, IP connections, personal digital assistants, smartphones, software installation, security updates, and patches, as well as a variety of additional technologies, including hardware and software, technical maintenance, and administration.
Main activities
* determine the current data flow and assess the impact of its increase on the information and communication technology network;
* examine the transmission capacity requirements of the ICT network or other telecommunication system;
* modify the application scope of the ICT system, supplement or reallocate additional ICT system components, servers, or storage to meet capacity or volume needs;
* select and use integration methods and tools, plan and implement hardware and software module and component integration into the system;
* prepare documentation of existing and future products or services, describing their functions and composition in a way that is understandable to a wide audience and meets established requirements and standards.
Characteristic competences
* predict future information and communication technology network needs;
* analyze network throughput requirements;
* regulate the capabilities of information and communication technology systems;
* integrate system components;
* provide technical documentation.