243102 - Market research analyst
Gathers information collected from market research and analyzes it to draw conclusions. Identifies potential product buyers, target groups, and ways in which they can be reached. Analyzes the position of products on the market from different perspectives. Analyzes the cross-selling of various products and their interdependence and presentation. Marketing analysts prepare information useful for the development of trading strategies.
Main activities
* analyze and present the main conclusions, remarks, and results of market research, propose potential markets, prices, target groups, or investments;
* conduct customer, market position, competitor, and political situation research and analysis;
* analyze market structure, opportunities for the introduction of new products to the market;
* identify consumer expectations, desires, and needs related to products and services;
* analyze purchasing habits and current prevailing consumer behavior.
Characteristic competences
* draw conclusions from market research results;
* analyze external factors important to companies;
* identify market niches;
* determine buyer needs;
* analyze customer purchasing trends.