214509 - Biophysics and chemistry engineer
Leads commercial chemical processes and various materials production, develops it and consults on these matters. Leads technical maintenance and repair of chemical equipment and devices, also investigates certain materials, products and process technological aspects and consults on these matters.
Main activities
* conduct scientific research, clarify processes taking place in biological systems, apply these laws while developing new technologies, models and designs technological equipment;
* create and develop new chemistry technologies, in the field of biomedicine, renewable energy, nanotechnology;
* analyze research data, systematize it, prepare reports, conclusions and provide recommendations;
* collaborate with specialists of other fields, solve current biology, neuroscience, biotechnology and nanotechnology, pharmacology, medicine, environmental protection and ecology issues;
* organize and control the work of the laboratory team.
Characteristic competences
* conduct scientific research;
* develop new chemistry technologies;
* analyze research data;
* collaborate with specialists from other fields;
* control the work of the laboratory team.