214403 - Road vehicle engineer
Investigates, designs, and creates drawings of road vehicles and other constituent parts, consults on the mentioned parts and other elements, prepares and supervises their construction and production. Consults an engine specialist, specializes in working with light, tourism, cargo and military cars, buses, agricultural tractors, and motorcycles.
Main activities
* use specialized software, create technical projects and technical drawings;
* recommend the best ways of land and resource use, consult on roads, schools, parks;
* foresee and design airports, public transport systems, and highways, evaluate how to safely and efficiently move people and goods.
adjust product or their part design so that they meet requirements;
* perform systematic statistical analysis of data corresponding to observed system behavior, present forecasts and observation of useful forecasting indicators beyond the system boundaries.
Characteristic competences
* use technical drawing software;
* consult on land use issues;
* design transport systems;
* adjust engineering projects;
* prepare statistical forecasts.