- Librarians and related information professionals
Librarians and related information professionals collect, select, develop, organize and maintain library collections and other information repositories, organize and control other library services and provide information for users.
Tasks include -
organizing, developing and maintaining a systematic collection of books, periodicals and other printed, audio-visually and digitally recorded material;
selecting and recommending acquisitions of books and other printed or audio-visually and digitally recorded material;
organizing, classifying and cataloguing library material;
managing library borrowing and inter-library loan facilities and information networks;
retrieving material and providing information to business and other users based on the collection itself or on library and information-network systems;
conducting research and analysing or modifying library and information services in accordance with changes in users' needs;
devising and implementing schemes and conceptual models for the storage, organization, classification and retrieval of information;
preparing scholarly papers and reports;
performing manual, on-line and interactive media reference searches, making interlibrary loans and performing other functions to assist users in
accessing library materials.
Related occupations
Kodas | Pavadinimas |
262201 | |
262202 | |
262203 | |
262204 | |
262205 | |
262206 | |
262290 |