941103 - Pizza maker
Specializes in pizza making. Responsible for the entire pizza baking process, from dough preparation to serving the pizza to the customer. Ensures the delivery of quality pizzas to the customer.
Main activities
* prepares the dough and forms the pizza crusts;
* prepares and slices various ingredients that will be placed on the pizza according to customer preferences or pre-prepared recipes;
* ensures that all ingredients are carefully placed on the pizza so that they are evenly distributed, following recipe requirements, prepares and adds sauce to the pizza;
* monitors the baking process to ensure pizzas are properly baked and not burnt, responsible for serving pizzas to customers;
* uses and maintains kitchen equipment and tools.
Characteristic competences
* prepare dough and choose appropriate ingredients for pizzas;
* adhere to hygiene and occupational safety rules;
* use food preparation technologies;
* properly store food supplies;
* deliver quality baked pizzas;
* properly maintain kitchen equipment and tools.