817205 - Plywood press operator
Controls the pressing device, gluing wood sheets and forming a multi-layer product. controls the machine, which puts sheets on a special table and forms a multi-layer product. regulates the pressure of the press, the flow of glue expansion, controls the movement of the conveyor with loaded plywood.
Main activities
* control the pressing device, gluing wood sheets and forming a multi-layer product;
* control the machine, which puts sheets on a special table, pour glue and form a multi-layer product;
* control the movement of the conveyor with loaded plywood, check the level of wood moisture;
* control the plywood press device, taking into account the set parameters and safety rules;
* control the plywood pressing process and check the quality of the product.
Characteristic competences
• work with technical diagrams and drawings;
• check wood quality and moisture;
• perform maintenance and repair work;
• comply with work safety rules;
• to control the pressing process of laminated wood.