753603 - Shoe repairer
Repairs leather, rubber and other footwear, removes worn soles and heels, cleans the surface, removes worn parts and selects new ones, attaches heels. If necessary, he puts the patch on the upper part of the shoe, finishes, polishes the patches. Can specialize only in replacing soles and heels. Uses various methods of fastening footwear, glues, hammers and sews by hand and machine.
Main activities
uses hand and power tools to repair and maintain footwear, belts and bags;
executes orders, selects leather surfaces, groups cut pieces;
applies footwear and leather goods stitching technologies;
reshapes shoes, re-stitches worn seams, attaches new heels or soles;
informs customers of necessary repairs, discusses products, services and costs.
Characteristic competences
use shoe repair tools; cut off upper parts of footwear; apply suturing technologies; repair shoes; provide repair related information to customers.