752290 - Other Cabinet-makers and related workers
Here are classified other carpenters and related workers who are not listed in the 7521 „Cabinet-makers and related workers“ subgroup, make, decorate and repair wooden furniture, wagons and other wooden transport vehicles, wheels, wooden parts, fastening parts, models and other wooden products, using woodworking equipment, lathes and special hand tools.
Main activities
* controls woodworking equipment, uses hand tools, cuts and shapes components;
* examines schemes, confirms the dimensions of the products being made and checks the quality and compliance of products with technical requirements;
* performs joint finishing, connects structural blocks into finished products, uses adhesives and clamps, strengthens joints;
* produces, reworks and repairs various wooden products;
* decorates furniture and interior details, inlays with wood, covers with veneer and carves ornaments.
Characteristic competences
* control woodworking equipment;
* check the quality of products;
* repair various wooden products;
* carve ornaments;
* perform wooden product surface finishing.