751601 - Tobacco Preparer
Prepares tobacco leaves and produces various tobacco products. Sorts dried tobacco leaves by type, quality and place of growth, mixes tobacco leaves according to the recipe, gets a special taste and aroma mixture, monitors a vacuum humidifier, cigars, cigarettes, snuff and other tobacco products production manually or with simple machines.
Main activities
* prepares tobacco according to required specifications, including cross-cut, moisture, smoking degree, and aroma;
* uses special tools and machines, processes tobacco, cuts, breaks, and dries;
* keeps records about tobacco quantity and quality, submits them in reports and inspections;
* checks whether tobacco products meet required quality standards and can be used in production;
* maintains a tidy and safe working environment, keeps a clean workplace and equipment.
Characteristic competences
* understand the tobacco preparation process and quality standards;
* use different equipment for tobacco preparation and processing;
* use measuring tools;
* identify and solve problems related to tobacco preparation;
* follow safety and hygiene rules.