751303 - Dairy product manufacturer
Processes cream and milk into sour cream and cottage cheese, works on mechanized lines that consist of a mixer, dispenser, agitator, separator or cottage cheese production equipment, refrigerator. Produces sour cream, monitors that the required fat content of the cream being produced is achieved, adds additives to the curd mass according to a certain recipe and mixes it in mixers, packs the finished product. Ensures that the products being produced meet the requirements and standards.
Main activities
* collects and checks raw materials and other products intended for production;
* maintains optimal conditions for product production;
* performs maintenance and repair work on machines and equipment;
* prepares, packs and stores the received products;
* performs quality control and necessary tests, ensures that the products being produced meet the requirements and standards.
Characteristic competences
* perform specific technological tasks;
* understand product quality requirements and standards;
* perform quality control and necessary tests;
* understand hygiene and safety standards;
* work as a team and communicate with other specialists.