751109 - Technical stock preparer
With special devices, makes meat and bone meal from inedible bones, blood, spoiled meat products and other waste. Selects, washes, grinds raw materials with machines, is responsible for preparing meat and bone processing technical raw material, ensures high quality and safety in the processing process.
Main activities
* prepare meat and bone technical raw material according to the required size, shape and quality;
* separate bones, fats and other unnecessary parts from meat;
* thoroughly process meat and bones and other inedible parts, avoid infections and pathogens;
* package meat and bones and other inedible parts and prepare for shipment to other production stages;
* adhere to strict sanitary rules, responsible for technical raw material quality control and assurance in the processing process.
Characteristic competences
* use various tools and technologies for meat and bone separation;
* process meat and bones and other inedible parts;
* monitor the production process;
* comply with strict sanitary requirements and quality standards;
* prepare for shipment to other production stages.