621001 - Forest nursery worker
Evaluation of sites for forest regeneration, selection of seedlings and tree planting using manual planting tools, creation and maintenance of forest masses.
Main activities
* evaluate forest restoration sites;
* select seedlings and plant trees using manual planting tools and carries out forest stand establishment and maintenance;
* eliminate weeds and undergrowth in the restored stands using manual tools and chemicals;
* collect seed cones, assist in pruning trees, help in planting, conduct research and mark trees for further operations;
* supervise stands of various species composition and structure, as well as short-rotation plantation greenery.
Characteristic competences
* evaluate the forest restoration site, select appropriate seedlings;
* plant trees, seedlings, establish and maintain the forest;
* eliminate weeds using tools or chemicals;
* use chemicals without violating ecological requirements;
* comply with occupational safety requirements.