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351390 - Other Computer network and systems technicians

Other computer network and systems technicians, not listed in unit group '3513 Computer Network and Systems Technicians', who design, operate, and maintain networks and other data transmission systems.

Main activities

• applies knowledge of problem solving and is able to apply information technologies;
• assesses the needs of the necessary network technologies and arranges the network architecture to meet the organization's requirements;
• designs, implements, configures and maintains information networks in order to ensure reliable and efficient data transmission, security and network availability;
• installs network equipment such as routers, switches and network security systems;
• monitors network performance and reliability, troubleshoots and enforces maintenance requirements.

Characteristic competences

• make decisions and solve problems;
• communicate effectively with other specialists;
• apply information technologies;
• assess network needs;
• install network equipment.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 3
Sub-major groups code: 35
Minor group code: 351
Unit group code: 3513