333909 - Business services manager
Supplies production and trade companies with materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, and assembly parts. Coordinates the smooth and uninterrupted activity of the company's production or trade operations. Constantly monitors market changes, informs the company's management, is responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the company's or organization's services, ensuring their efficiency.
Main activities
* coordinate and manage the development and implementation of business services;
* ensure that services are provided on time and with high quality;
* evaluate the demand for services and their competitiveness in the market;
* offer clients suitable and high-quality services;
* strengthen customer relationships and their experience with the company.
Characteristic competences
* evaluate and analyze market needs;
* organize and manage projects;
* evaluate the demand for services and their competitiveness in the market;
* propose suitable and high-quality services to clients;
* ensure service efficiency.