321190 - Other medical imaging and medical equipment technicians
Here are classified other medical imaging and medical equipment technicians who are not listed in subgroup 3211 'Medical Imaging and Medical Equipment Technicians' and who try and use radiographic, ultrasonic and similar medical imaging equipment, get X-ray images, diagnose and treat, supervised by a radiologist or another specialist.
Main activities
* use radiographic and ultrasonic equipment, supervise, get body X-ray images for diagnostic purposes;
* explain procedures, patient observation and use protective devices, ensures safety;
* select treatment equipment, monitor video screens and set controls according to technical conditions;
* check and evaluate highlighted X-ray images, video recordings or other computer information, determine the suitability of the obtained images for diagnosis;
* monitor patients' condition and reactions, report deviations to the practicing doctor.
Characteristic competences
* get body X-ray images for diagnostic purposes;
* ensure safety;
* evaluate highlighted X-ray images;
* monitor patient's condition;
* use protective devices.