314203 - Crop research technician
Identifies pathogenic microorganisms and insects harmful to crops and cattle, parasites, fungi, and weeds, develops their eradication methods, analyzes the quality, purity, and germination of seed samples. Conducts research to improve crop growing process and productivity, data collection, and analysis.
Main activities
* prepare and install crop trials and field experiments, perform crop growing and yield collection processes, maintain trial documentation;
* perform chemical, physical, and biological crop analyses, prepare and present reports on research results, organize and coordinate research process;
* prepare and present recommendations to farmers, improve crop growth and yield;
* work with scientists, consult them on crop research and results;
* maintain and arrange laboratory equipment and materials, learn new research methods and technologies.
Characteristic competences
* perform chemical, physical, and biological crop analyses;
* knowledge about crop species and their cultivation;
* collect and manage data;
* collaborate with farmers and research specialists;
* comply with work order and safety requirements.