313390 - Other chemical processing equipment operators
Here are classified other chemical processing equipment operators not included in the 3133 „Chemical processing equipment operators“ subgroup control and monitor chemical equipment and similar multifunctional process control machines, adjust and supervise processing equipment and equipment for distilling, filtering, separating, heating or refining chemicals.
Main activities
* control the electronic control panel from the control center, monitor and optimize the physical and chemical processes taking place in several processing devices;
* regulate equipment, chutes, pumps, control devices and technological processes;
* control the preparation, measurement and pouring of raw materials, catalysts and filtering medium into devices;
* control the start and stop of processes, detect faults and external control of technological process equipment;
* check equipment for faults, perform routine performance tests, register and fill in production logs.
Characteristic competences
* adjust the technological processes of the equipment;
* optimize the physical and chemical processes taking place in the devices;
* control raw materials;
* manage the launch of processes;
* check equipment for faults.