313301 - Chemical and similar process equipment operator
Controls the chemical technological process taking place in the device. Prepares the device for operation and launches it. Stops the device in case of an accident and repairs it, follows the operating safety norms and rules. Eliminates technological process disruptions and stabilizes the technological process. complies with occupational safety, fire safety, environmental requirements.
Main activities
* prepare and install equipment and materials according to instructions;
* monitor, adjust and control the course of the chemical process, achieve the necessary parameters;
* plan and organize work, achieve the required production level, perform maintenance and repair work on devices;
* respond to failures or accidents, analyze and evaluate these situations, perform high-quality document management and registration;
* timely and qualitatively perform other tasks assigned by the workplace.
Characteristic competences
* perform mathematical calculations;
* use various mathematical modeling tools;
* use technical instructions;
* respond to changes in the process;
* make necessary corrections.