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313206 - Drinking water treatment plant operator

Controls and monitors technological processes at the drinking water treatment station, supervises and maintains devices designed to purify water to meet the set hygiene requirements. Performs chemical and biological cleaning processes, monitors the condition of devices.

Main activities

* responsible for the operation and management of water purification devices and cleaning processes, use different technologies needed for cleaning;
* responsible for proper maintenance, repair and upkeep of devices, monitor the condition of devices;
* control and are responsible for water quality, conduct various tests, take appropriate measures when set standards are not adhered to;
* responsible for maintenance of systems related to water supply, record information about water supply and maintenance;
* make decisions, quickly and effectively respond to various water supply disruptions and events.

Characteristic competences

* use different technologies;
* plan, organize and control work;
* have knowledge of chemistry and microbiology;
* respond to various water supply disruptions;
* work with specialized equipment and software.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 3
Sub-major groups code: 31
Minor group code: 313
Unit group code: 3132