312390 - Other Construction supervisors
Here are classified other construction work masters and squad leaders not listed in group 3123 „Construction supervisors“ who coordinate and supervise the work of building and structure construction and repair workers and schedule their work.
Main activities
* examine the technical conditions description, determine construction requirements and planning procedures;
* perform the determination and search of necessary materials and workers for work;
* monitor and check the progress of work, inspect equipment and construction sites, ensure compliance with health and safety requirements;
* supervise construction sites and coordinates work with other construction projects;
* supervise the activities of unskilled and skilled workers and other construction industry workers.
Characteristic competences
* examine the technical conditions description;
* perform the determination of necessary materials and workers for work;
* monitor and check the progress of work;
* supervise construction sites and coordinate work;
* supervise the activities of workers and other construction industry workers.