311190 - Other Chemical and physical science technicians
Here are classified other chemical and physical science technicians not included in the 3111 „Chemical and physical science technicians“ subgroup, performing technical tasks related to the research and application of results in chemistry, physics, geology, geophysics, meteorology, and astronomy in industry, medicine, defense and other fields.
Main activities
* select samples, prepare materials and equipment for experiments and studies;
* perform routine laboratory tests and provide various technical assistance to chemists and physicists conducting scientific research, experiments, analysis, and trials;
* control the quality and quantity of laboratory equipment and materials, check samples and oversee their use, calculate the necessary amounts of materials according to the provided technical specifications;
* install laboratory devices, manage and supervise, monitor experiments and results, calculate and register them;
* prepare materials for experiments, mixe chemical substances.
Characteristic competences
* select samples;
* provide various technical assistance;
* control the quality of laboratory equipment and materials;
* monitor experiments;
* prepare materials for experiments.