265304 - Dancer
Interprets and reproduces a certain work of a sports dance choreographer with his body movements. The dance form is chosen and created by oneself or it is learned from other creators and educators.
Main activities
• maintains proper posture, develops the strength, flexibility and endurance of the necessary muscle groups;
• dances in pairs with a partner, coordinating body movements with the music and other dancers;
• works with choreographers, directors, dance teachers and other artists to learn new dance moves and perform new dance pieces;
• participates in directed dance performances and concerts;
• participates in all necessary processes of preparation for events - from choosing makeup and clothes to organizing stage lighting and scenography.
Characteristic competences
• understand dance technique and mechanics of body movements;
• have physical endurance, coordination;
• learn and master new dance works;
• express emotions through movements;
• collaborate with other artists.