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235990 - Other training professionals n.e.c

Other teaching professionals, not listed in subheading 2359 'Teaching professionals not elsewhere classified', who privately teach educational subjects other than foreign languages ​​and arts, and persons who advise students on educational matters.

Main activities

• contributes to the learning, well-being and social inclusion of individuals and focuses on increasing their independence;
• determines and evaluates students' abilities and needs;
• observes children's achievements and behavior, discusses with parents the problems of their children's development and behavior;
• prepares the training program plan and calculates the training period based on the objectives of the training programs;
• assists students individually as needed and assesses their knowledge and performance in the subject area through assignments, tests and exams.

Characteristic competences

• advise students;
• prepare a curriculum plan;
• monitor students' progress;
• maintain relations with educational institutions;
• monitor changes in the education sector.

Versija: 2023
Pagrindinės grupės kodas: 2
Sub-major groups code: 23
Minor group code: 235
Unit group code: 2359